What's Happening at Sutter's Landing
💥Hurray! Friend's of Sutter's Landing Park is now a 501c3 nonprofit organization with the State of California. Donations can be made to support FOSL and will also directly benefit Friends of the River Banks (FORB) events and other activities. Donations will help FOSL to work more closely with the Lower American River Conservancy and other organizations and agencies to preserve and restore Sutter's Landing Park and the Lower American River Parkway. Donations should be made out to "Friends of Sutter's Landing Park" and mailed to Friends of Sutter's Landing Park, P.O. Box 162677, Sacramento, Ca 95816.
💥Support Expanding Sutter's Landing Park
The Lower American River Conservancy Advisory Committee met in 2019 to discuss priorities for funding projects.
This was a key meeting as the Advisory Committee recommends which projects should be funded by WCB under this program. The City of Sacramento applied for Prop 68 funds to expand and enhance Sutter's Landing Park along the American River Parkway through the Lower American River Conservancy.
Based on the competitive scoring from the review committee, WCB staff recommended that $2 million of the funds be allocated to the Sutter’s Landing Park acquisition projects and that $176,000 be allocated for improvements to Camp Pollock. Several of these projects have been funded and are moving forward with more proposals possible in the 2020 grant cycle.
Continue to support these important proposals as they go through the Conservancy and City of Sacramento in 2021. Adding parcels to SLP is very important and must enhance wildlife habitat, nature experiences and passive recreation opportunities.
March 15, 2021 Release of Public Draft American River Parkway Natural Resources Management Plan
March 17, 2021 Lower American River Conservancy Program Public Workshop
💥Lower American River Conservancy
The Lower American River Conservancy Program (Program) was created by Assembly Bill 1716 (PDF), and signed into law in 2016 and became effective January 1, 2017 (Public Resources Code, § 5845 et seq. (the “Enabling Statute”)). The Program was created to provide a state partner to work cooperatively with local agencies, particularly the County of Sacramento in its role as the American River Parkway (Parkway) Manager, and nonprofit organizations to help fund projects and provide grants to restore, enhance, interpret, protect and improve public access to the Parkway’s natural, recreational, educational and cultural resources. The Legislature’s intent was for the Program to be a continuation of the State’s historic role in providing funding to advance the protection and restoration of the natural resources of the lower American River while continuing the County’s historic role in managing the lands and public uses of the Parkway. In 2008, the County finalized the update of the American River Parkway Plan (Plan). The purpose of the Plan is to provide a guide for land use decisions affecting the Parkway and the preservation, use, development and administration of the Parkway.
Interested in joining an online space to share and discuss information, and collaborate as a member of team FORB/FOSL currently focusing on Friends of the River Banks, Friends of Sutter's Landing Park, the Lower American River Parkway, and surrounding neighborhood nature related matters? We are evaluating a free software tool, Slack, for this purpose and if you are curious, maybe game, or ready to join send a request for an invitation to [email protected]. 12/7/15
Sutter's Landing Park Jurisdiction & Coordination Meeting Held.
On 9/9/15, FOSL, FORB and other concerned citizens met with local city and county elected officials and representatives from the many local agencies that have management or enforcement responsibilities at Sutter's Landing Park. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the greatly increased use of the Park and American River Parkway at this location including more illegal activities and conflicts. The meeting helped all have a better understanding of the many issues and agencies with a role. Some suggestions were shared with Councilman Harris and Supervisor Serna with the understanding that there would be followup. A town hall was proposed earlier by citizen participants but no further details are available at this time. A Sutter's Landing Park incident reporting table has been initiated by FOSL to help document problems and responses. Further changes will likely be made to this report as it is used more.
A new (April 2016) literature review on the impacts of dogs on wildlife and water quality is available and linked to the Friend's of Sutter's Landing Park Dogs & Parks webpage.
An experimental 311 widget has been added below to help with reviewing and reporting issues in the Sutter's Landing Park area. You may be able to report incidents directly to the 311 system from here. 1/30/16
💥Support Expanding Sutter's Landing Park
The Lower American River Conservancy Advisory Committee met in 2019 to discuss priorities for funding projects.
This was a key meeting as the Advisory Committee recommends which projects should be funded by WCB under this program. The City of Sacramento applied for Prop 68 funds to expand and enhance Sutter's Landing Park along the American River Parkway through the Lower American River Conservancy.
Based on the competitive scoring from the review committee, WCB staff recommended that $2 million of the funds be allocated to the Sutter’s Landing Park acquisition projects and that $176,000 be allocated for improvements to Camp Pollock. Several of these projects have been funded and are moving forward with more proposals possible in the 2020 grant cycle.
Continue to support these important proposals as they go through the Conservancy and City of Sacramento in 2021. Adding parcels to SLP is very important and must enhance wildlife habitat, nature experiences and passive recreation opportunities.
March 15, 2021 Release of Public Draft American River Parkway Natural Resources Management Plan
March 17, 2021 Lower American River Conservancy Program Public Workshop
💥Lower American River Conservancy
The Lower American River Conservancy Program (Program) was created by Assembly Bill 1716 (PDF), and signed into law in 2016 and became effective January 1, 2017 (Public Resources Code, § 5845 et seq. (the “Enabling Statute”)). The Program was created to provide a state partner to work cooperatively with local agencies, particularly the County of Sacramento in its role as the American River Parkway (Parkway) Manager, and nonprofit organizations to help fund projects and provide grants to restore, enhance, interpret, protect and improve public access to the Parkway’s natural, recreational, educational and cultural resources. The Legislature’s intent was for the Program to be a continuation of the State’s historic role in providing funding to advance the protection and restoration of the natural resources of the lower American River while continuing the County’s historic role in managing the lands and public uses of the Parkway. In 2008, the County finalized the update of the American River Parkway Plan (Plan). The purpose of the Plan is to provide a guide for land use decisions affecting the Parkway and the preservation, use, development and administration of the Parkway.
Interested in joining an online space to share and discuss information, and collaborate as a member of team FORB/FOSL currently focusing on Friends of the River Banks, Friends of Sutter's Landing Park, the Lower American River Parkway, and surrounding neighborhood nature related matters? We are evaluating a free software tool, Slack, for this purpose and if you are curious, maybe game, or ready to join send a request for an invitation to [email protected]. 12/7/15
Sutter's Landing Park Jurisdiction & Coordination Meeting Held.
On 9/9/15, FOSL, FORB and other concerned citizens met with local city and county elected officials and representatives from the many local agencies that have management or enforcement responsibilities at Sutter's Landing Park. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the greatly increased use of the Park and American River Parkway at this location including more illegal activities and conflicts. The meeting helped all have a better understanding of the many issues and agencies with a role. Some suggestions were shared with Councilman Harris and Supervisor Serna with the understanding that there would be followup. A town hall was proposed earlier by citizen participants but no further details are available at this time. A Sutter's Landing Park incident reporting table has been initiated by FOSL to help document problems and responses. Further changes will likely be made to this report as it is used more.
A new (April 2016) literature review on the impacts of dogs on wildlife and water quality is available and linked to the Friend's of Sutter's Landing Park Dogs & Parks webpage.
An experimental 311 widget has been added below to help with reviewing and reporting issues in the Sutter's Landing Park area. You may be able to report incidents directly to the 311 system from here. 1/30/16
The City of Sacramento Tree Ordinance is under revision. This affects the important urban forest in the City. For up to date information on a campaign to protect these trees, visit the "Trees for Sacramento" website.
Sutter's Landing Park Prop 84 Grant Update
Work is beginning now on this project starting with paving a new bike path and other work to come later this year (5/5/16)
The city has been working to address issues raised by the local flood control district regarding placement of the bike trail to be included in the grant as well as details on a new restroom to be included in the final project. Design changes and other issues have resulted in delays and an extension has been obtained with the current plan for the grant to go to construction in 2016. Final plans, permits and other details are being processed. Additional details will be provided here when available. Last update, 9/4/15.
Sutter's Landing Park Prop 84 Grant Update
Work is beginning now on this project starting with paving a new bike path and other work to come later this year (5/5/16)
The city has been working to address issues raised by the local flood control district regarding placement of the bike trail to be included in the grant as well as details on a new restroom to be included in the final project. Design changes and other issues have resulted in delays and an extension has been obtained with the current plan for the grant to go to construction in 2016. Final plans, permits and other details are being processed. Additional details will be provided here when available. Last update, 9/4/15.
<Archived News>
The city held a community workshop on July 21 to discuss the $1.5 million grant for American River Parkway Enhancements at Sutter's Landing. There was a strong public turnout which provided much good input on how to think big and design this project with a nature interpretive theme that flows like the river the park connects with. HT Harvey and Associates has the contract to pull together the suggestions from the community to come up with a comprehensive design for the gateway, trail, and interpretive elements. The results of this meeting and other updates will be available on the city's Parks and Recreation website, and another meeting will be scheduled in about a month. FOSL will continue to provide inputs on this important project, which should add much to enhance the park as a gateway to the American River Parkway and enhance natural values while providing for education and recreation.
The McKinley Village development is now under construction with access across the former landfill portion of Sutter's Landing Park. This includes considerable truck traffic for earthwork, dust abatement watering and other activities. There is also increased concrete hauling to the Bell Marine facility as a result of demolition work downtown for the approved sports arena. The solar facility constructed within the park boundaries appears to have been completed this summer and provides some shade for those who drive to the park. There is increased visitation to Sutter's Landing Park and the American River Parkway this summer and the parking lot nearest the river is often full.
Friends of the River Banks and others hosted the "Return of the Swainson's Hawk Celebration at Sutter's Landing Park at 9 AM on 4/11/14. See the FORB website for more details.
The Final EIR for the proposed McKinley Village development project was released on 3/21/14 for release by the City. It's important to closely review the document for potential impacts to Sutter's Landing Park as well as any mitigation to be provided.
The City will soon award a contract to design habitat restoration, trail improvements, interpretive information and more with a state grant that FOSL and FORB have played a major role in securing. More details soon. (3/14/14)
Construction is underway now for a demonstration solar project located at Sutter's Landing Park. Several paved areas within the park are fenced off and construction activities have begun. (3/14/14)
2013 Video: "Sutter's Landing Park: Sacramento's Gateway to the American River Parkway".
The attached 28th Street Landfill Tree Removal Mitigation Committee Report to City Council (Report) provides recommendations to the City Council from the Committee on how to accomplish the goals established in Resolution 2011-609 while meeting the City’s post- closure requirements for the Landfill and maintaining consistency with the Sutter’s Landing Park Master Plan. Staff is recommending that City Council approve the Report, with the amendments proposed by the Parks and Recreation Commission as discussed below, and approve a determination of exemption under the California Environmental Quality Act. 3/13/12. The report was approved by the City Council and habitat restoration work conducted to establish new habitat on adjacent land in Sutter's Landing Park and the American River Parkway.
Community Meeting on June 19; comments due by July 19
A community meeting, sponsored by Councilman Steve Cohn, was held on June 19 at the old Bailer Building. Over 200 people turned out to share their vision for Sutter's Landing Park. The majority came to champion a nature-oriented park; there was another large contingent in support of a BMX Pump Track. However, to the disappointment of many, the format of the meeting did not allow for open discussion but was instead an "open house" in which city staff stood at stations with exhibits and the public was invited to talk with them one-on-one. Steve Cohn has said there will be a follow-up Town Meeting in the near future.
The city had a packet of material which included a "wish list" of proposed projects, however, there were not enough for most of the crowd (we have scanned them below). Public comment on these items will be received until July 19. Friends of Sutter's Landing is urging the city to stop doing piecemeal development and look at the entire Sutter's Landing Park (including areas that the city is planning to annex in the future) to come up with an overall cohesive master plan. Note that the current master plan is obsolete, having been largely ignored in the development that has been done to date.
The public has until July 19 to comment on the wish list. We'll link to the city's website when the documents become available.
Information Packet (includes meeting agenda, maps, city's wish list)
Comment Card (two-sided; due July 19)